The cool thing about this about this recipe is that you're cooking your main dish and a side at the same time in the same crock pot (of course, I still covet this one
The recipe is basically just ground beef, eggs, some form of bread crumbs (the recipe called for saltine crackers, I used bread, as you can see in the image above), ketchup, salt, and pepper. Normally I don't add salt to my recipes, but I did this time. You just mix all the ingredients together with your hands, then form it into a loaf in the shape of your crock pot, before placing it over the potatoes.
The recipe also calls for a topping, something that I normally don't do with my meatloaf either (I generally make meatloaf the way my mother did: ground beef or turkey, egg, bread, and onion). The topping is only ketchup, light brown sugar, and Dijon mustard mixed together. I was interested to see how it would end up making the meatloaf taste, because I don't usually think of sugar in my meatloaf.
Of course, when you mix it all together, it really just looks like ketchup. You place the topping on top of the meatloaf and then, to illustrate my previous complaint about this cookbook, you have to cook it on high for one hour before switching it to low for another 6-7 hours. What I did to make this before heading off to school was that I got up and the first thing I did was make the meatloaf and turn the crock pot to high. Then, I was able to shower and get dressed and switch the temperature to low before heading off to school.
This is what the meatloaf looked like when I first turned it on.
And this is how it appeared after cooking for eight hours.
Now, the difficulty with the meatloaf came when I tried to take it out. When I make meatloaf in the oven, using my mother's recipe, the meatloaf is relatively solid and can be sliced easily. Trying to get the meatloaf out of the crock pot with this recipe was much more difficult. It was soft and, as you can see from the picture on the right, no matter how much I tried, and even with the help of my roommate, I could not get the meatloaf to come out in one piece.
The cool thing about this recipe, however, was that I already had most of the ingredients: I was trying to use up the potatoes, and I had eggs, bread, ketchup, salt, pepper, brown sugar, and mustard already too (as those items are generally staples of any kitchen). Thus, the only cost for the meals that I ate all that week was the ground beef. I splurged to be sure to get the extra lean and paid $9.47 for approximately 2 lbs. Even if I had needed to purchase the potatoes and had chosen to buy saltines, the total cost for this recipe was under $15. The recipe says that it serves 6 to 8... I shared it with my roommate the first day (and had seconds because I was hungry) and had it four more times after that, so I got seven meals out of this (that's less than $2.25 per meal, not counting that I made a salad for myself each time too). The meal is actually only about 400 calories per serving too.
However, I wasn't a big fan of this meatloaf recipe. I like the idea of doing meatloaf over a bed of potatoes, and the potatoes were yummy. This meatloaf was too mushy and too sweet for my taste. Were I to make this recipe again, I'd just follow the meatloaf + potatoes idea, but use a different recipe (my mothers, perhaps?) for the meatloaf.